Licensed Insolvency Practitioners with over 25 years of experience
Antony Batty & co

2 New Recruits Join Insolvency Practitioner Antony Batty and Company

23rd January 2020

Find Out More About Lauren Matlock and Jessica Barrow

We asked two of our newest recruits, Senior Insolvency Administrator Lauren Matlock and Insolvency Administrator Jessica Barrow, to tell us a bit more about themselves. After all, being an insolvency practitioner and working in insolvency is all about people, so what sort of person do you get when you work with Lauren and Jessica? What makes them tick?

Firstly, some things you never knew about Lauren

Lauren started her career in insolvency during 2012 and joined ABc  on January 6th, 2020, working with Steve Illes in our new Croydon office. Over the years she has specialised in CVLs and MVLs and continued to broaden her range of expertise in insolvency. To get to know her a bit better, we asked her the following questions – and she admits to being a fan of West Ham United!

Insolvency Practitioners
Lauren Matlock
  • Why did you become an Insolvency Practitioner/Choose a career in Insolvency?

I didn’t, it sort of chose me! But 8 years later I’m happy where I am and I do now want to become an Insolvency Practitioner.

  • Your most embarrassing moment in insolvency

When I was told at a previous company to say something to a client in a meeting. I did and it didn’t go down too well. Note to self, don’t take anything literally!

  • Your proudest moment in your insolvency career?

 Handling a case load of 70-90 cases. That takes good organisational and planning skills.

  • What piece of wisdom would you pass onto a new recruit into the world of insolvency?

If you are stuck always ask questions and before you pass your work to be reviewed/signed, always check, double check and triple check. The devil is in the detail with insolvency.

  • What is your unfulfilled ambition?

To have a successful business.

  • Persons who most influenced your career/life?

My brother.

  • Pet hates?

People being late and rude!

  • Favourite book?

Don’t really have time to read.

  • Favourite movie? 

The Green Mile – Tom Hanks.

  • Favourite song?

Not one, but I really enjoy 50s and 60s Rock ‘n’ Roll.

  • Biggest regret?

None, we all live and learn by our mistakes.

  • The person from history you would most like to have a glass of wine with 

Winston Churchill

  • How would you spend your fantasy 24 hours, with no travel restrictions?

With family and loved ones

And now a few things you won’t know about Jessica

Jessica joined ABc in July 2019, as an administrator, straight from 6th form, and is keen to develop a good career in insolvency. Here are her answers to a few searching questions, where we also find out she is a Spurs fan.

Insolvency Practitioners
Jessica Barrow
  • Person(s) who most influenced your career/life?    

The people who have most influenced me are my family.

  • Pet hates?

Loud eaters!!!!

  • Favourite movie?

I don’t have a favourite movie, but my favourite TV series is Prison Break.

  • Favourite song?

I like lots of songs, in particular some old school 80s as well as some more recent music too.

  • Biggest regret?

My biggest regret is probably stopping playing football as I have always wanted to play and maybe one day be a pro. On the weekends I coach/manage my own Girls Under 11 football team (called Writtle Minors) and I go to watch Spurs games whenever it doesn’t clash with my own team’s games.

  • How would you spend your fantasy 24 hours, with no travel restrictions?

I would spend my fantasy 24 hours travelling to Thailand. I have always wanted to go there but am too scared to go by myself.

So, now you know a bit more about Lauren and Jessica……

As you can see, there’s much more to Lauren and Jessica than simply their careers in insolvency.

We welcome them to our growing team.


If you need insolvency or restructuring advice from any of our Insolvency Practitioners or Insolvency Specialists here at Antony Batty, in any area of insolvency, simply get in touch. Contact us or call us on 0208 088 0633. The first discussion, over the ‘phone or a coffee, is Free.

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