Licensed Insolvency Practitioners with over 25 years of experience
Antony Batty & co

Antony Batty & Company Focus on Employees: Besa Mustafa and Rachel Patrick

3rd September 2024

Besa and Rachel are based at our London office and both are Senior Insolvency Administrators

This month we are shining a light on two of our newest recruits, Besa Mustafa and Rachel Patrick, who arrived in June 2024, when we joined forces with B & C Associates. Besa and Rachel are both Senior Insolvency Administrators, based at our London office.

We asked them to answer some questions, including what got them into the insolvency profession, what they particularly enjoy about insolvency, and of course we also asked them what they enjoy in their spare time away from insolvency.

  1. What do you enjoy about insolvency? What got you into the profession?

Besa says:

“The variety in cases is interesting. No two are the same. And you meet all sorts of different people. I’ve had some interesting and complex cases, including ones where we had to deal with many hundreds of companies, when they landed on our desk. At the same time!!

With a large caseload, it’s important to keep on top of statutory deadlines whilst progressing. It’s a little bit like clown and plates in a circus. It’s sometimes hard to convince directors that at least some paperwork is necessary, especially at the beginning of the case but I like to be helpful, as dealing with forms isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Before insolvency, I worked in the NHS as an interpreter in Albanian, and that’s something I’ve used in this job with directors from that part of the world.

I started at B&C Associates as an office assistant and secretary but grabbed the opportunity to train to assist the administrators. In 2012, I passed the CPI exam (Certificate of Proficiency in Insolvency), and now I’m enjoying my new surroundings at Antony Batty & Company.”

Rachel agrees that the variety of work in insolvency is what really appeals:

“The main reason I enjoy insolvency is that I get a real sense of accomplishment of helping people. Each day is a different challenge, and the work is incredibly varied and interesting. 

I first started at B&C as a holiday job in my teens, stuffing envelopes and photocopying. As with most people, I fell into Insolvency as a career in my early 20s and I worked for B&C on a permanent basis for about 16 years, before moving across to Antony Batty & Company.

I worked my way through the majority of jobs in the office from filing and listing records, through to studying and passing my CPI, which has led me to my current role of Senior Insolvency Administrator.”

2. Interesting facts about yourself, Hobbies, interests.


 “I am lucky to come from a large family who are mostly based in Ireland, although we have a few who made it over the seas and are based in the UK. At home we are a smaller family of me, my daughter and our cat. 

 My current dream is to move to the Countryside, as I have recently developed a love of walking, and I would enjoy spending my evenings and weekends in a calming space.”


“It’s not known generally because it was a while ago, but I’ve got a black belt in Shotokan karate. That’s one skill that I’ve definitely not used, either at home or in the office, though the thought has crossed my mind occasionally – very briefly obviously!

I also enjoy swimming and spending time with family and friends.”

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Talk to us for Insolvency, Restructuring and Business Turnaround Advice at any of our offices and take a look at some of our case studies and testimonials.

Our appointment taking Licensed Insolvency Practitioners are Antony BattyHugh JessemanClaire Howell, Jeff Brenner, James Stares , Matt Waghorn, & Lawrence King, along with partner Nitin Joshi.

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