Licensed Insolvency Practitioners with over 25 years of experience

We Supported ‘Wear It Pink’ on Friday 23rd October

We Supported ‘Wear It Pink’ on Friday 23rd October

We raised £470 on Friday 23rd October by wearing Pink in support of the wonderful work that Breast Cancer Now does in raising funds to invest in Breast Cancer research and care.

Company administrations place much emphasis on company rescue

Company Administrations

Company administrations place much emphasis on company rescue

Administrations are a valuable part of the insolvency and rescue regime in the UK. It is likely that we will see an increase in them as the various Covid support schemes wind down and more companies fall into insolvency.

Travel Companies Failing Due to Covid-19


Travel company administrations and liquidations increasing due to Covid 19

Insolvency and the travel industry is a very specialised part of insolvency and requires Insolvency Practitioners with knowledge of, and expertise in, the sector.

Redundancy: What you need to know


Redundancy due to insolvency – 3 things directors need to know

Your rights as a Director if insolvency causes redundancy, the protection that is available to you and Advice on what to do if redundancy does happen.

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