FREE ICAEW Insolvency and Restructuring Guide
The earlier our Insolvency Practitioners are contacted, the more we can help
As Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, we are delighted to have co-branded The ICAEW’s restructuring and insolvency guide. It focuses on why early action is the key to businesses avoiding or surviving financial difficulties. It also provides insights into the role and range of services Antony Batty & Company can offer.
(The information contained in this booklet is provided for information purposes only. It is not professional advice.)
As Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, business recovery, insolvency and restructuring specialists, and members of the ICAEW, we’re here for when it isn’t business as usual. Our experienced team of insolvency experts based at 5 offices in London and the south of England help businesses avoid or survive financial difficulties. Read some of our testimonials and case studies.
Most of our work is with SMEs and owner managed companies, who often say they wish they had met us sooner. By the time they contact us, they are often already at the distress or crisis point in the business cycle.
We can assist and provide the most appropriate range of solutions at the under-performance or early distress stages. The sooner financial difficulties are recognised and appropriate assistance is sought, the greater the chance of turning things around.
Our first aim is always to see if we can turn things around, either with an Administration or a Company Voluntary Arrangement. We will only recommend a liquidation if there are no other workable alternatives.
Free initial consultation
Our insolvency and restructuring specialists offer a FREE initial consultation without obligation and all enquiries are confidential. ABc offers big firm expertise at sensible prices that is appointment taker lead. We fully support the proposition “Always use an ICAEW Licensed Insolvency Practitioner.”