Licensed Insolvency Practitioners with over 25 years of experience

Business advice and turnaround

Are you looking for business advice and turnaround? Our team has experienced business turnaround specialists who can help save businesses.

What are the warning signs of business failure? How can Insolvency Practitioners help turn a struggling business around and return it to profitability?

Are you worried that your business is failing? Have you noticed early warning signs of financial distress such as poor cash flow and mounting debts? If so, it is essential to seek professional advice quickly to help you turn your business around and avoid insolvency.

As Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, our first aim is to help struggling businesses survive their financial difficulties and avoid insolvency. We do this by analysing the financial data, then moving on to advising you on a business strategy that will lead to your business reaching its full potential.

Struggling businesses might be in what we call the underperformance phase (often characterised by a lower than expected bank balancesurprising use of an overdraft facility, lack of business growth or lower profit margins), or, perhaps in the distress phase, where the warning signs, as detailed below, are evident. 

If action isn’t taken at this point, distress can quickly lead to crisis, whereupon the most likely outcome is insolvency and, if recovery procedures, such as Administration or a Company Voluntary Arrangement are not appropriate, then liquidation is the likely outcome.

Need help?

If your business is facing insolvency, the sooner you contact us, the more we can help.

What are the early warning signs of business failure?

At Antony Batty & Company, our business turnaround specialists can help you identify the root cause of your financial difficulties and develop a customised plan to turn your business around. This could include a cost-reduction strategy, a new growth strategy, or maybe raising funds, anything that will allow your business to use its competitive advantage to once again become fully solvent.

If you are experiencing any of the following warning signs – and they can creep up on a business quickly – it is time to take action:

  • Poor cash flow
  • High interest payments on loans
  • Overdue payments or non-payments from customers
  • Increasing debts
  • Declining sales and profits
  • Inability to pay bills or meet payroll
  • Falling margins

At Antony Batty & Company, our business turnaround specialists can help you identify the root cause of your financial difficulties and develop a customised plan to turn your business around. This could include a cost-reduction strategy, a new growth strategy, or maybe raising funds, anything that will allow your business to use its competitive advantage to once again become fully solvent.

Business turnaround services

Our experienced team of Insolvency Practitioners and business turnaround specialists will develop the most effective turnaround strategy possible, working closely with you to:

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of your financial statements and cash flow
  • Develop a realistic financial forecast
  • Recommend (and help you implement, if required) an actionable plan to improve your cash flow and reduce costs
  • Help you to negotiate with creditors to reduce your debts and improve your financial position

Cash Flow Management 

Cash flow problems are one of the biggest challenges facing struggling businesses. Our team can help you manage your cash flow by:

  • Recommending invoice factoring to improve your cash flow
  • Negotiating payment terms with suppliers and customers
  • Developing a cash flow forecast and budget to help you plan for the future

Debt Consolidation and Debts

Are you struggling with mounting debts? We can help you consolidate your debts and negotiate with creditors to reduce your payments. Our team can also provide advice on debt management and help you develop a plan to reduce your debts over time.

Closing a Business and Insolvency

Is your business is no longer viable? We can help you close your business in an orderly and legal manner. We can also provide advice on the insolvency process and help you minimise your losses.

Is your business is struggling? Our Business Turnaround Specialists can help

Regardless of the business environment, we can assist most struggling businesses who are underperforming or at an early stage of distress to help turn their fortunes around, helping them solve problems and regain that lost ground. The sooner difficulties are recognised and appropriate assistance is sought, the greater the chance of recovery.

Financial Turnaround Experts

If you’re faced with financial difficulties and need help turning your business around, contact Antony Batty & Company today. Our team of business turnaround specialists is here to help with a free initial consultation.

Insolvency Practitioners
They were there for me, and kept me up to date. All is done and dusted now and it all went so smoothly and quickly, I can relax now that Liquidation has been avoided, and move forward with my life. Thank you so much Antony Batty & Company.
Yvonne Lehman

Compulsory Liquidation FAQs

A compulsory company liquidation (or compulsory winding up) is instituted by an order made by the court, usually on the petition of a creditor, the company or a shareholder. There are a number of possible reasons for making a winding-up order. The most common is because the company is insolvent.

Insolvency is usually established either by:

• Failure to comply with a statutory demand requiring payment within 21 days
• By execution against the company’s goods being returned unsatisfied

A winding-up petition may also be presented by the Secretary of State on the grounds of public interest.

Case studies

Creditors Voluntary Liquidation

The effects of Covid-19 on Doug Sherry (Heathrow) Limited led to its liquidation.

Creditors Voluntary Liquidation
Antony Batty & Company
For when it isn't business as usual

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