- Are there alternatives to liquidating a limited company without using an Insolvency Practitioner? (04/03/2025)
- Section 216 – Did you know The Reuse of a Company Name After Liquidation is Prohibited? (25/02/2025)
- Directors, if you do the same things again, you risk getting the same result - another liquidation! (20/02/2025)
- Take advantage of the current 10% tax rate for Members Voluntary Liquidations (MVLs) (18/02/2025)
- In the Nicest Way, I Don't Want to See You Again!* (11/02/2025)
- What can agreeing Personal Guarantees mean in insolvency? Personal liability is the legacy from insolvency (10/02/2025)
- Record number of company closures and 5,000 more tax inspectors (29/01/2025)
- Honesty and listening are the best policies when Insolvency Practitioners are approached by directors of struggling companies (22/01/2025)
- Will the VAT change lead to more insolvencies in the private schools’ sector? (14/01/2025)
- Big rise in company insolvencies predicted in 2025 (07/01/2025)
- The importance of a Shareholder Agreement if a Company enters insolvency (07/01/2025)
- Pubs closing at fastest rate since Covid Pandemic (31/12/2024)
- Directors Beware! Companies House is becoming more aggressive over enforcement of penalties for late filing of company accounts (11/12/2024)
- The four key sins for directors to avoid when their company is insolvent (04/12/2024)
- Company insolvency and directors - things you wanted to know but were afraid of asking* (18/11/2024)
- Antony Batty and Co. appointed as Administrators to Lawbit, the online legal service (18/11/2024)
- Exam success continues at Antony Batty & Co. Thames Valley (17/11/2024)
- Chancellor increases Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) from 6th April 2025 (17/11/2024)
- Antony Batty & Company Thames Valley welcomes Jonathan James as a Business Development Manager (16/11/2024)
- We supported Wear It Pink on 18th October 2024 (16/11/2024)
- Shelter from the storm. Administrations can give the breathing space insolvent companies need (16/11/2024)
- Mental Health and Insolvency - World Mental Health Day 10th October 2024 (15/11/2024)
- Antony Batty & Company Focus on Employees: Besa Mustafa and Rachel Patrick (03/09/2024)
- We’re supporting Wear it Pink on 18th October 2024 (29/08/2024)
- Budget October 30th 2024 – Are you selling or closing your solvent business? Don’t miss out on Business Asset Disposal Relief! (16/08/2024)
- Spotting the signs of directors burn out (12/08/2024)
- Asset Valuations for Insolvent Companies (26/07/2024)
- Insolvency Practitioners’ Reports into the Conduct of Directors of Liquidated Companies. What happens to them and what can the outcome be? (22/07/2024)
- HMRC’s new approach to Research and Development Claims (R&D). (01/07/2024)
- Using Finance and Refinance to Manage Cash Flow (24/06/2024)
- Antony Batty & Company joins forces with B&C Associates, boutique insolvency practice in North London (17/06/2024)
- Wrongful and Fraudulent Trading: what are they and what is the difference? (16/06/2024)
- Antony Batty & Company (ABc) merges with fellow firm of Insolvency Practitioners, B&C Associates (14/06/2024)
- What is expected of the Directors in an Insolvent Company liquidation process? (06/06/2024)
- New office for our Thames Valley Team (03/06/2024)
- Hopes of an interest rate cut before the end of the summer? (28/05/2024)
- Mental Health and Insolvency. 13th -17th May is Mental Health Awareness Week (09/05/2024)
- What are the options for closing IR35 contractor limited companies, Solvent or Insolvent? How can Insolvency Practitioners help?? (29/04/2024)
- Personal Guarantees, Insolvency and Personal Liability (21/04/2024)
- A Day in the Life of an Insolvency Practitioner – Lawrence King (17/04/2024)
- Exam success, a promotion and a new recruit. It has been a great few weeks for Antony Batty Thames Valley (20/03/2024)
- We are often asked ‘What is the difference between a Compulsory Liquidation and a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL)?’ (18/03/2024)
- 10 tips to help with Debt Recovery (11/03/2024)
- Over 6,000 Licensed Premises closed in the UK during 2023, and the trend is continuing into 2024. (29/02/2024)
- Budget March 6th 2024 – Is the clock ticking for Business Asset Disposal Relief? (20/02/2024)
- The Government is continuing with its hard line against Bounce Back Loan (BBL) fraud and misuse (15/02/2024)
- Creditors Voluntary Liquidations (“CVL”) grew by 9% in 2023, reaching the highest figure since records began. What are the advantages of a CVL? (31/01/2024)
- The Key Signs of Financial Distress (29/01/2024)
- Mental Health and Insolvency (22/01/2024)
- HMRC to Stop Providing Tax Clearance for Members Voluntary Liquidations (18/01/2024)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: Bill Bufton (04/12/2023)
- Directors must be vigilant to avoid Wrongful Trading (30/11/2023)
- What can Directors do if they receive a Winding Up Petition? (27/11/2023)
- Judge orders director of gift company to repay £43,500 via a Compensation Order for a falsely obtained Bounce Back Loan (BBL) (20/11/2023)
- UK Restaurant insolvencies rise by 46% in last 12 months (13/11/2023)
- Directors be Vigilant! Talk to your Accountant to understand a Director's Loan Account and your potential Liabilities (01/11/2023)
- Directors with Multiple Company liquidations can find themselves with a Personal Tax liability to HMRC. (18/10/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company has funded the planting of 25 trees in the Woodland Trust’s Stoke Wood in Oxfordshire, to commemorate being in business for 25 years (16/10/2023)
- Corporate insolvencies continue to grow, quarterly and month on month. (05/10/2023)
- Directors beware - HMRC issues highest number of winding up petitions since before the Covid-19 pandemic (19/09/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company notes further regulation plan for Insolvency Practitioners (12/09/2023)
- Directors of Limited companies take care when paying Dividends (29/08/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company… Supporting the Salvation Army’s Garden Makeover in Bournemouth with the Sheltered Work Opportunities Project (22/08/2023)
- Supporting the Salvation Army’s Garden Makeover in Bournemouth with the Sheltered Work Opportunities Project (22/08/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: Jerome Moutrage (26/07/2023)
- Helping in the Community – We were delighted to help provide football kit for the Harrow Stones Stars (17/07/2023)
- What’s Insolvency got to do with It’s a Knockout? Team Building, of course! And raising funds for charity (13/07/2023)
- Helping in the Community – We were delighted to help provide football kit for the Harrow Stones Stars (12/07/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: Will Rushing (04/07/2023)
- Cash is King for Businesses in Distress (28/06/2023)
- Why you should do a check before you choose your Business’s suppliers (02/05/2023)
- Fines, prison sentences and Director Disqualification for directors who abused the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (24/04/2023)
- Directors be Vigilant! The additional tax charge for an un-repaid Director’s Loan Account is 33.75% (24/04/2023)
- Overtrading V Wrongful Trading: what are the key differences? (17/03/2023)
- Stephen Evans from our London Office of Insolvency Practitioners is now a Mental Health First Aider (14/03/2023)
- Can Directors Loan Accounts be Reclassified as remuneration in Administration or Liquidation? (13/03/2023)
- Insolvency Mediation – Insolvency Practitioners make good Mediators. (07/03/2023)
- Local builders using Personal Guarantee Insurance to insure against business failure hits new high. (06/03/2023)
- Is ignorance bliss? Why it is important for directors to document their actions if concerned they are insolvent. (27/02/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company, London – Donating £250 to help Guide Dogs South East (07/02/2023)
- Dependency on benefits in UK hits an all-time high, whilst insolvencies in December 2022 were 32% higher than December 2021 and 76% higher than pre-pandemic. (07/02/2023)
- Reduced energy bill support could affect 25% of small businesses (30/01/2023)
- As Antony Batty & Company celebrates 25 years in business we look back at what has changed since 1997. (30/01/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: Melanie Bishop (21/01/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: David Parker (11/01/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company, Bournemouth – working with the YMCA (19/12/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company, Bournemouth – working with the local YMCA Community (19/12/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company Partner Focus: Claire Howell, Licensed Insolvency Practitioner (01/12/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: Tom O’Keeffe (29/11/2022)
- What is a ‘Restructuring Plan’ and when can it be used? (21/11/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company, Supporting the Woodland Trust (14/11/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: Marc Evans (26/10/2022)
- The Improper use of Customers’ Deposits (14/10/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company, Bournemouth - Helping the Community (10/10/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company, Bournemouth Helping the Community (03/10/2022)
- John Baalham completes the London Marathon (02/10/2022)
- The Mini Budget September 2022 and Insolvency (26/09/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company, Thames Valley. Employee Focus: Lucy Green (17/09/2022)
- Guide to CVAs (06/09/2022)
- HMRC Winding Up Petitions on the increase (03/09/2022)
- Directors be Vigilant! Understanding a Directors Loan Account and your Liabilities (02/09/2022)
- Covid Rent Arrears – Court of Appeal decides in favour of Landlords in London Trocadero (2015) LLP v Picturehouse Cinemas Limited (23/08/2022)
- First Director goes to prison for Bounce Back Loan Fraud (10/08/2022)
- Corporate Insolvencies jump by over 80% in Q2 2022 (02/08/2022)
- Are you in control of your cash flow? (22/07/2022)
- David Parker helps Southborough and District Lions Club (Tunbridge Wells) raise £4,000 for the local community (07/07/2022)
- What are the options for paying back a Bounce Back Loan? (06/07/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: John Baalham (13/06/2022)
- Insolvency Practitioners Celebrate 1st Anniversary (30/05/2022)
- Paying Dividends – The Consequences of Paying Illegal Dividends (20/05/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company Celebrates its 25th Birthday (16/05/2022)
- Directors beware – It is not just business loans from banks that require Personal Guarantees (05/05/2022)
- Quite a Freezing Experience! We were very happy to sponsor Lizzie Bluff, a friend of the firm, in her ‘Sleep Out at Guildhall Yard’ to help raise funds for Charities supporting the homeless in London (15/04/2022)
- John Baalham completes the Brighton Marathon and raises approaching £3,000 (10/04/2022)
- Quite a Freezing Experience! (07/04/2022)
- Tania Melim-Alves Returns to Antony Batty & Company (06/04/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: Sheniz Bayram (31/03/2022)
- Antony Batty & Company Employee Focus: Neil Barry (25/03/2022)
- John Baalham is running the Brighton Marathon to raise funds for St Luke’s Hospice (Basildon and District) (14/03/2022)
- John Baalham is running the Brighton Marathon on 10th April for St Luke’s Hospice (Basildon and District) (12/03/2022)
- HMRC’s Preferential Creditor Status and Preference Payments to Creditors (01/03/2022)
- K & W Recovery Trading as Antony Batty & Company, Thames Valley. Employee Focus: Andy Lloyd (10/02/2022)
- Directors must remain vigilant to avoid Wrongful Trading (09/02/2022)
- Claire Howell returns to Antony Batty & Co as a fully licensed, appointment taking partner (02/02/2022)
- Insolvency, Personal Liability and Personal Guarantees on Commercial Leases (24/01/2022)
- New Legislation over Company Dissolution that Directors Need to Understand About Bounce Back Loans and other Covid Funding. (05/01/2022)
- David Parker – Santa for the Southborough and District Lions Club (Tunbridge Wells) (18/12/2021)
- Insolvency Practitioner Lawrence King’s Work with Law Firms (25/11/2021)
- The Key Autumn 2021 Budget Announcements for Businesses (28/10/2021)
- Insolvency Practitioners can also be Mediators (19/10/2021)
- Land’s End to John O’Groats completed. Now we’re well on the way to Iceland! £1,670 raised for MIND (16/10/2021)
- We raised £1,670 for MIND (14/10/2021)
- How can a Company with an outstanding Bounce Back Loan be closed? (23/09/2021)
- Claire Howell returns to Antony Batty & Co as a fully licensed, appointment taking partner (14/09/2021)
- Government announces that temporary insolvency restrictions will end in October (13/09/2021)
- A Day at the Races (07/09/2021)
- Walking to raise funds for MIND (27/08/2021)
- Walking to raise funds for MIND (26/08/2021)
- The first steps to take if you are concerned about your company’s financial position (20/08/2021)
- K & W Recovery (T/A Antony Batty & Co. Thames Valley) Partner Focus: Matt Waghorn, Insolvency Practitioner (05/08/2021)
- Debt Relief Orders for Personal Debt Increased to £30,000 from End June 2021 (16/07/2021)
- #Be Kind. How Antony Batty & Co are working to help businesses, and people, to recover from Covid-19 (14/07/2021)
- K & W Recovery (T/A Antony Batty & Co. Thames Valley) Partner Focus: Lawrence King, Insolvency Practitioner (09/07/2021)
- Did you know part of a director’s responsibility is to scrutinise their fellow directors? (05/07/2021)
- Licensed Insolvency Practitioner Matt Waghorn takes up his position as Partner at K & W Recovery (01/07/2021)
- The Government continues to provide company directors with measures to help them sustain inherently viable businesses. (23/06/2021)
- Bounce Back Loans – 20% of borrowers are asking for more time to pay (09/06/2021)
- Members Voluntary Liquidations for Venture Capital Trusts (09/06/2021)
- Antony Batty & Company Partner Focus: Hugh Jesseman, Insolvency Practitioner (02/06/2021)
- Welcome to our expanded family of Insolvency Practitioners (01/06/2021)
- Insolvency Service gets new retrospective powers to investigate directors of dissolved companies and combat Bounce Back Loan Fraud (19/05/2021)
- Marc Evans – Food Waste Hero – does his bit to reduce food waste (12/05/2021)
- Bounce Back Loans – The time has come to repay them. First letters being sent out NOW asking for repayment in May 2021 (30/04/2021)
- Is the new legislation for Pre-Pack Administrations a Game Changer? (29/04/2021)
- Antony Batty & Company Partner Focus: Stephen Evans, Insolvency Practitioner (22/04/2021)
- Uncovering the new Recovery Loan - A commercial look at the scheme (14/04/2021)
- Further Temporary Suspension of Wrongful Trading Provisions to 30th June 2021 (01/04/2021)
- Mental Health and Insolvency (31/03/2021)
- Is Furlough now just ‘Kicking the Can Down the Road’ and allowing Unviable Jobs to Survive Short Term? (30/03/2021)
- Elaine Wilkins donating 100 Easter Eggs to YMCA Bournemouth (30/03/2021)
- 100 Easter Eggs donated to YMCA Bournemouth (26/03/2021)
- Will new rules inspire confidence in pre pack administrations? (11/03/2021)
- David Parker – Southborough and District Lions Club (Tunbridge Wells) (08/03/2021)
- Redundancy Pay – Did you know the Government will pay if the Company you work for goes out of business? (02/03/2021)
- Returning Employees from Furlough (25/02/2021)
- Working to help business recover from Covid-19 (19/02/2021)
- Elaine Wilkins’ Mental Health First Aider Training (13/02/2021)
- Successful Members Voluntary Liquidation for Marine123 (10/02/2021)
- What happens if you can’t pay back Covid-19 Loans and What About Loan Fraud? (01/02/2021)
- Time to check your policies following the Supreme Court’s ruling over Covid-19 Business Interruption Insurance (19/01/2021)
- 250,000 Businesses Might Close in 2021 (13/01/2021)
- Why choose to work with Antony Batty & Company, Insolvency Practitioners? (04/01/2021)
- Our High Streets - Retail administrations continue to rise (07/12/2020)
- Coronavirus, Business Recovery and HMRC’s New Preferential Creditor Status (27/11/2020)
- Business Interruption Insurance Claims During the Pandemic (19/11/2020)
- Directors Beware – The Suspension of Wrongful Trading ended on 30th September (29/10/2020)
- We Supported ‘Wear It Pink’ on Friday 23rd October (23/10/2020)
- Company administrations place much emphasis on company rescue (19/10/2020)
- Travel Companies Failing Due to Covid-19 (08/10/2020)
- What is a Company Voluntary Arrangement? What Benefits do they Bring? (07/10/2020)
- Sharan Acharya – Insolvency Administrator at Antony Batty & Company, London (22/09/2020)
- Business Asset Disposal Relief (formerly known as Entrepreneurs’ Relief). What Next? (15/09/2020)
- Testimonial from a Referrer for Helping a Client in a Professional and Friendly Manner (04/09/2020)
- Antony Batty and Co Appointed Joint Administrators of VMS Live (2011) Limited and VMS Live (Venues) Limited (24/08/2020)
- Redundancy: What you need to know (04/08/2020)
- Insolvency Practitioners Achieve Positive Outcomes (17/07/2020)
- Health and Safety Procedures at our Offices (16/07/2020)
- Covid-19 and the Commercial Property Sector (30/06/2020)
- Returning to Work from Furlough (10/06/2020)
- Elaine Wilkins – Director at Antony Batty & Company, Bournemouth (22/05/2020)
- Insolvencies in the Hospitality Sector – Is Covid-19 an Existential Threat? (15/05/2020)
- Light Touch Administrations. What are they and how will they work? (11/05/2020)
- The Travel Industry and the Effects of Covid-19 (15/04/2020)
- Charities during the Coronavirus - is the Government's help enough? (09/04/2020)
- Speed is Vital With CBILS Applications (08/04/2020)
- Temporary Suspension of Wrongful Trading Provisions (30/03/2020)
- The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS). Is Security Required? (27/03/2020)
- Advice for Companies and Directors During the Coronavirus Pandemic (20/03/2020)
- Urgent Alert – Update on Entrepreneurs’ Relief (13/03/2020)
- Antony Batty & Company Opens Latest New Office – in Bournemouth (06/03/2020)
- Our Insolvency Practitioners' Review of 2019 (31/01/2020)
- 2 New Recruits Join Insolvency Practitioner Antony Batty and Company (23/01/2020)
- Urgent Alert – Entrepreneurs’ Relief. Will it be Scrapped? (21/01/2020)
- Independent Loan Charge Review (24/09/2019)
- Prohibited Names – A Minefield for Directors (19/09/2019)
- Solvent Liquidation for Sports Charity (20/08/2019)
- 5 Licensed Insolvency Practitioners (14/08/2019)
- Small Charity Insolvency and Insolvency Practitioners (05/07/2019)
- Trustee in Bankruptcy Advice and News From Antony Batty & Co, London (01/05/2019)
- The Loan Charge is Causing Huge Mental Stress (09/04/2019)
- Employee Benefit Trusts. Can't Pay the Loan Charge? (21/03/2019)
- Employee Benefit Trusts. Is HMRC Softening its Stance? (06/02/2019)
- Brexit Uncertainty? China Slowdown? Insolvencies are Rising (01/02/2019)
- Employee Benefit Trusts, the Loan Charge and HMRC's Hard Line (15/01/2019)
- Professional Footballers, HMRC, Employee Benefit Trusts and Tax Advice (07/01/2019)
- Company Insolvency Advice from Antony Batty & Company (14/12/2018)
- Employee Benefit Trusts. HMRC Too Aggressive? (11/12/2018)
- Company Voluntary Arrangements Vs Pre-Pack Administrations (28/11/2018)
- HMRC Aggressively Chasing Payment of APNs (21/11/2018)
- Insolvency Practitoners’ Update – Company Voluntary Arrangements (20/11/2018)
- HMRC to Become a Secondary Preferential Creditor (07/11/2018)
- Stopping Entrepreneurs' Relief and Members Voluntary Liquidations (23/10/2018)
- Primera Air Collapses (03/10/2018)
- Company Voluntary Arrangements - Not Just for Retail or Restaurants (25/09/2018)
- Employee Benefit Trusts and the April 2019 Loan Charge (18/09/2018)
- Insolvency Practitioners and Financially Distressed Companies (31/08/2018)
- Company Voluntary Arrangements, Landlords and Business Rates (21/08/2018)
- The Withdrawal of Trade Credit Insurance - A Death Spiral? (01/08/2018)
- Insolvency, the Domino Effect and Insolvency Practitioners (25/07/2018)
- Antony Batty Insolvency Practitioners – 21st in top 100 Insolvency Practices (23/07/2018)
- Landlords and Company Voluntary Arrangements (12/06/2018)
- Company Voluntary Arrangements: A Dive in the Penalty Box? (08/06/2018)
- Are All Insolvency Practitioners the Same? (06/06/2018)
- Insolvency Practitioners and Estate Agencies in Financial Distress (30/05/2018)
- The April 2019 Loan Charge – Employee Benefit Trusts and Insolvency (23/05/2018)
- A Members Voluntary Liquidation and two CVLs (09/05/2018)
- Restructuring London Company using Members Voluntary Liquidations (20/04/2018)
- Hot Pasties, VAT and Pre Pack Administration by our London Team (23/03/2018)
- Company Voluntary Arrangements and Insolvent Restaurants (07/03/2018)
- Company Voluntary Arrangements and AIM Listed Companies (15/02/2018)
- Our Insolvency Practitioners Review of 2017 (25/01/2018)
- Facing a Tax Demand Because of an Employee Benefit Trust? Insolvency Practitioners can Help (23/01/2018)
- HMRC, Restaurants, VAT and Insolvency Practitioners (12/01/2018)
- The Importance of Cash Flow. Insolvency Practitioners can Help (10/01/2018)
- Licensed Insolvency Practitioners and the Travel Industry (18/12/2017)
- Insolvency Practitioners and Director Disqualification (18/12/2017)
- Corporation Tax and Members Voluntary Liquidations (01/11/2017)
- Members Voluntary Liquidations - and Entrepreneurs Relief (01/11/2017)
- Can a Members Voluntary Liquidation Become an Insolvent One? (20/10/2017)
- Monarch – A Company in Administration (04/10/2017)
- Creditors Voluntary Liquidation and the Insolvency Rule Changes (21/09/2017)
- Insolvency Practitioners News from Antony Batty & Co (22/08/2017)
- UK Company Administrations Remain Steady (14/08/2017)
- Licensed Insolvency Practitioners Celebrate 20th Birthday (27/06/2017)
- New Insolvency Rules and Insolvency Practitioners (15/06/2017)
- Sitemap (04/12/2024)
- Creditor Services & Investigations (30/09/2024)
- Log in (17/07/2024)
- Resources (09/07/2024)
- Mental Health and Insolvency Resources (30/07/2024)
- Creditors’ Committee Guide (30/07/2024)
- Provision of Services Regulations Summary Sheet (30/07/2024)
- Marsh Limited Specific Bond Premiums (30/07/2024)
- Information About Redundancy Procedures (30/07/2024)
- Insolvency and Restructuring Guide (30/07/2024)
- Information About Insolvency Procedures (30/07/2024)
- Links to useful organisations (30/07/2024)
- Terms and Policies (09/07/2024)
- Cookie Policy (02/10/2024)
- Terms of Use (29/07/2024)
- Provision of Services - Thames Valley (29/07/2024)
- Fee Guidance Notes - Thames Valley (29/07/2024)
- Scottish Fee Guides (23/07/2024)
- Fee Guidance Notes - England and Wales (23/07/2024)
- Practice Fee Recovery Policy (23/07/2024)
- GDPR Privacy Notice for Insolvency Appointments (23/07/2024)
- Privacy Policy (09/07/2024)
- Contact Us (08/07/2024)
- News (08/07/2024)
- Why Choose Us? (08/07/2024)
- Services (08/07/2024)
- Bankruptcy (08/07/2024)
- Individual Voluntary Arrangement (08/07/2024)
- Niche sectors (08/07/2024)
- AIM listed companies (15/07/2024)
- Transport (15/07/2024)
- Charities (15/07/2024)
- Venture capital trusts (15/07/2024)
- Insolvency (08/07/2024)
- Personal Guarantees (15/07/2024)
- Directors' Loan Accounts (15/07/2024)
- Directors' Duties (15/07/2024)
- Company turnaround (08/07/2024)
- Pre Pack Administration (30/09/2024)
- Business advice and turnaround (15/07/2024)
- Company Voluntary Arrangement (15/07/2024)
- Company Administration (15/07/2024)
- Closing your company (08/07/2024)
- Compulsory Liquidations (15/07/2024)
- Members' Voluntary Liquidations (15/07/2024)
- Creditors' Voluntary Liquidations (15/07/2024)
- About (08/07/2024)
- Vacancies (08/07/2024)
- In the Community (08/07/2024)
- Locations (08/07/2024)
- Our People (08/07/2024)
- Home (08/07/2024)
Case Studies
- Creditors Voluntary Liquidation of a digital marketing company – what can happen when directors fall out. (17/07/2024)
- 43p in the £ distribution to creditors from a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation (11/09/2023)
- All Insolvency instructions are not the same!! (17/06/2023)
- Antony Batty & Company complete Administration of LSE listed Iconic Labs PLC (03/01/2023)
- Members Voluntary Liquidation of Deron Developments Limited (07/11/2022)
- The effects of Covid-19 on Doug Sherry (Heathrow) Limited led to its liquidation. (25/05/2022)
- Successful Company Voluntary Arrangement for Be Military Fit (11/01/2022)
- Successful Company Voluntary Arrangement for Chalfont Hotels (29/11/2021)
- Administration & Creditors Voluntary Liquidation for Covid-19 decimated travel company (21/11/2021)
- Going the Extra Mile. Testimonial from a Relieved Employee (19/11/2021)
- Case study of a Covid-19 related Company Administration – Koine Money Limited (08/11/2021)
- Join In Trust Limited – Members Voluntary Liquidation (27/09/2021)
- Case study for a Restoration of a Limited Company (16/08/2021)
- Our Team Help a Business Avoid Liquidation (25/07/2021)
- On Time and On Budget – Members Voluntary Liquidation (26/04/2021)
- Another Successful Members Voluntary Liquidation (28/09/2020)
- Members Voluntary Liquidation for Gauss Investments Limited (20/09/2020)
- A “Valuable Partner” in Delivering the Members Voluntary Liquidation for The Sausage Man Ltd (19/06/2020)
- Members Voluntary Liquidation of APT.64 Limited (09/06/2020)
- Case study for a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (04/03/2020)
- Efficient and Professional Members Voluntary Liquidation of Graham Energy Solutions (24/02/2020)
- Successful Company Voluntary Arrangement for The Entrepreneurs Circle Limited (12/11/2019)
- Successful Individual Voluntary Arrangement by our London Team (13/02/2019)
- Members Voluntary Liquidation Testimonial for our London Team (04/10/2018)
- Sole Director for Members Voluntary Liquidation (14/09/2018)
- London Team Receives Excellent Members Voluntary Liquidation Testimonial (09/08/2018)
- Overseas Members Voluntary Liquidation (26/06/2018)
- Members Voluntary Liquidations and Statutory Interest (09/04/2018)
- Testimonial for Company Voluntary Arrangement, London (03/04/2018)
- Successful Members Voluntary Liquidation (09/02/2018)
- Company Voluntary Arrangement and Restructuring (06/02/2018)
- The Speedy, Friendly and Expert Insolvency Practitioner (29/11/2017)
- Innovative Strategies for Company Administration (25/09/2017)
- Members Voluntary Liquidation of a Timber Company (14/08/2017)
- Members Voluntary Liquidation Testimonial (02/08/2017)
- Testimonial for an Insolvency Practitioner by an Insolvency Lawyer (24/07/2017)
- Travel Company in Administration (04/07/2017)
- CVAs and AIM Listed PLCs (17/06/2017)
- A Successful Conclusion to a Company Voluntary Arrangement. (16/06/2017)
- Four Testimonials for the Company Voluntary Arrangement (16/06/2017)
- 3 Recent Case Studies for the Company Voluntary Arrangement (16/06/2017)
- Case Studies for Charities and Insolvency (14/06/2017)
- Case Studies for Travel Industry Insolvencies (06/06/2017)
- Sarah Wege (01/08/2024)
- Evelyn Wright (01/08/2024)
- Brooke Walters (01/08/2024)
- Hannah Spelzini (01/08/2024)
- Sarina Shrestha (01/08/2024)
- Will Rushing (01/08/2024)
- Mamata Paudel (01/08/2024)
- Rachel Patrick (01/08/2024)
- David Parker (01/08/2024)
- Tom O’Keeffe (01/08/2024)
- Jerome Moutrage (01/08/2024)
- Besa Mustafa (01/08/2024)
- Tania Melim-Alves (01/08/2024)
- Paul McFarlane (01/08/2024)
- Andy Lloyd (01/08/2024)
- Jonathan James (01/08/2024)
- Clive Jackson (01/08/2024)
- Lucy Green (01/08/2024)
- Kim Falshaw (01/08/2024)
- Stephen Evans (01/08/2024)
- Marc Evans (01/08/2024)
- Bibek Dhital (01/08/2024)
- Matthew Coombe-Tennant (01/08/2024)
- Bill Bufton (01/08/2024)
- Melanie Bishop (01/08/2024)
- Laura Bedwell (01/08/2024)
- Ganesh Baral (01/08/2024)
- John Baalham (01/08/2024)
- Mohita Agrawal (01/08/2024)
- Sushmita Adhikari (01/08/2024)
- Sharan Acharya (01/08/2024)
- Elaine Wilkins (01/08/2024)
- Steve Marshall (01/08/2024)
- Alison Gates (01/08/2024)
- Sheniz Bayram (01/08/2024)
- Neil Barry (01/08/2024)
- Matt Waghorn (01/08/2024)
- Lawrence King (01/08/2024)
- James Stares (01/08/2024)
- Nitin Joshi (01/08/2024)
- Jeff Brenner (01/08/2024)
- Claire Howell (01/08/2024)
- Hugh Jesseman (10/07/2024)
- Antony Batty (09/07/2024)
- London (10/07/2024)
- Salisbury (09/07/2024)
- Brentwood (09/07/2024)
- Thames Valley (09/07/2024)
- Bournemouth (09/07/2024)